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Date of Birth
Note: All letter requests may require 7 business days or more for completion. All letters that require a provider’s signature are subject to a fee as described in your treatment. Once submitted you will be contacted about your letter request and any fees associated with your request. If this letter relates to your work performance please be sure you have contacted your work Human Resources (HR) department to be sure a letter is needed. Often HR will need specific paperwork to be filled out to fulfill your request. Any letter request is considered independent of a request for completion of paperwork. These separate actions may incur separate charges.
I understand and accept the above statement.
To receive a copy of the letter you are requesting and for correspondence during the letter writing process we require letter requestors to be enrolled in our Patient Ally Portal.
Please enroll me in Patient Ally if I am not already enrolled.
Email - If you are not enrolled in patient ally an email will be sent to you prompting you to make an account. You will have to make an account to receive your letter digitally.
Response requested? (see our privacy policy: https://johnnausmdpa.com/privacy-policy/)
Phone Call
Email - This requires enrollment in Patient Ally.
Please choose the purpose of letter that best matches your needs.
FMLA or Short term disability
Long term disability
Please Define "OTHER" here.
Please check all that apply.
I am requesting a written letter.
I am requesting a phone call be made on my behalf.
I need some paperwork filled out.
If you were absent from work due to illness please list the Date / Time you first left work.
Please list the number of (days) you intend to need or have taken off of work in reference to this letter.
Please list the Date / Time you plan to return to work.( disability end date)
Do you want us to include your diagnosis in the letter?
Intended Recipient (copy)
Requested content of letter (symptoms that limit work / reasons for requested letter). Please be as detailed as possible about what you are requesting and what you would like the letter to say.
If you are requesting a return to work letter please include any special accommodations you feel are needed to return to work. (These may not be honored by your employer)
© 2025 · John Naus M.D., P.A.